蔡晶(Castel Cai)律师,沪籍,中共党员,中华全国律师协会及上海市律师协会会员、上海市法学会会员、2015届上海市律协公司法业务研究委员会委员、注册全国企业法律顾问,现任上海市亚太长城律师事务所高级合伙人、公司事务部主任。上海市亚太长城律师事务所作为上海市老国办所(原闸北区第一律师事务所)转制合伙所,业务扎实、声誉斐然,党建优秀,政治坚定、与时俱进,律师中(中共)党员占到全员的近一半。
Lawyer Cai Jing, Shanghai nationality, the Chinese communist party party member, the all China lawyers association and the Shanghai lawyers association, member of Shanghai law society, 2015 session of the Shanghai bar business company law research committee, national registered enterprise legal adviser, the asia-pacific the Great Wall is a senior partner at the law firm in Shanghai, the director of corporate affairs.Shanghai asia-pacific Great Wall law firm, as the Shanghai old state office (the first law firm of zhabei district), has a solid business and great reputation.
Cai Jing lawyers to east China university of political science and law, Shanghai university real estate management professional and repairing, had long history in mass real estate development enterprise senior management positions, the accumulation of years of enterprise strategy management, investment, m&a, construction development, financing, operation, marketing, property operation and so on various aspects of management practice experience, also in real estate, marriage, inheritance disputes, personal injury, the folk lending, contract disputes and other kind of civil lawsuit has rich experience in field.
Cai Jing lawyer more than current and former construction engineering, real estate development, property management, Internet of things, such as the perennial legal adviser of the enterprise, focusing on corporate governance, legal risk control system construction, and focus on the enterprise investment and mergers and acquisitions, equity transactions, assets operation, property management operations such as risk control, in the process of dispute solution, also good at investment risk control, contract management, intellectual property management, legal education and training, such as commercial accusing the justice, industry resources, rich field experience.Lawyer CAI jing takes "specialty, concentration and concentration" as the practice philosophy and takes it as his duty to safeguard the legal rights and interests of the client according to law.
姓名: 蔡晶律师
电话: 13901763284
职位: 专职律师
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